Dale street is one of my favourite streets, and while it has one or 2 naff buildings on it, is a remarkable collection of buildings. There are 2 blank spaces one is 71 Dale street, the other is 113-115 Dale street.
71 Dale Street
71 was apparently a watch and clock makers at some time and seem to have survived into the 21 st Century.
There was a planning application in 2007 that was approved to
To carry out works of alteration and refurbishment to convert premises into A3 use on the basement, ground and first floors and B1 office use on the second and third floors and 4 storey rear extension to outrigger." After than nothing but judging by the
planning application history the building had been problematic since the 70s. none for its current car park use.
113-119 Dale Street
113 Dale street was in 1957 a pub called Justice and according to a
planning application was even being extended. Along with 115,117 & 119, the last mention in the
planning record is for it to be used as a TEMPORARY car park this was in September 1980. So that is 36 years of temporary.
Just blank spaces looking untidy often with some cars in which makes them look untidy.
71 Dale Street |
113-119 Dale Street
113-119 Dale Street
71 Dale Street
Next door at 73 was the Tophat bar that building has been empty for years and though it looks like something is being done there at the moment it seems quite minor. Though combining the site by having a building the used both the existing 73 and a new build on the site of 71 might make more sense. Is 73 of such value that it should be kept even if that means this vacant plot being there forever? Some plan needs to be hatched sort out this problem with this.
113-119 Dale Street
This is more of a blank slate and therefore has quite some options, residential, offices, commercial or a small multi-storey car park. The one thing it should not be is a ground level car park. This like the other vacant plots in the area may provide parking space but they are also unsightly, so the do need to be concentrated on a purpose built site. This may become more pressing if the car park on the site of exchange closes. One way or another a car park strategy needs to be developed o executed even if that means CPO of the existing sites to make a developed car park viable.
Hi. I am very interested in your research from a personal pov for two reasons. I wonder if you can help or point me to a historian who can. According to the 1911 census, my great-grandfather was a pub landlord, living at 119 Dale Street. I assume he was living above his pub but of course this might not be the case. I can't tell from your notes on Dale Street if 119 was actually part of the pub called The Justice or not. I also see that there is a pub called the Excelsior at 121-123!
ReplyDeleteThe second reason is that my gt gt grandfather and his father were turtle merchants and apparently had a turtle shop (for supplying turtles for soup - not something I'm happy about!) on Dale Street but I don't know where to look for an address for this or possibly even a photo. Any help or pointers would be very gratefully received.
119 was not part of the pub. 115-117 were the pub. You need to look up "business directories" I did a quick search and found https://books.google.co.uk/books/content?id=4llGAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA253&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&sig=ACfU3U0wz0fOuAoXcyipONuZjZ6ZE2K5_w&ci=54%2C352%2C384%2C60&edge=0 from 1818 for a Hosier.
DeleteThis is that directory. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=4llGAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA253&lpg=PA253&dq=119+dale+street+liverpool+directory&source=bl&ots=30tZSI9UgH&sig=5jzqoBW2JG-TIo9HXBWg1ZdCoLY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiUw9rLmdHQAhVHC8AKHWgrCYYQ6AEIGzAA#v=onepage&q=119%20dale%20street%20liverpool%20directory&f=false
I know the records office have some but you need to book an appointment to see them http://archive.liverpool.gov.uk/calmview/ good luck.
Thanks very much. Using what you said i have found not only listings for mr gt gt Grandfather's turtle shop but an advert from 1870. Very exciting :-) Thanks again.